sunnuntai 25. elokuuta 2013

First PhD Thesis on Gambling in Finland!

At last Finland will have its very first PhD thesis on gambling. MPsy Sari Castrén
(University of Helsinki, Faculty of Behavioural Sciences) will defend her
PhD thesis "Disordered Gambling in Finland: Epidemiology and A Current
Treatment Option" on August 28, 2013. Her supervisors are Tuuli Lahti, Robert
Ladouceur and Kimmo Alho. Her reviewers were Nady el-Guebaly and
Sami Leppämäki. Her opponent will be Ståle Pallesen.

The concept "disordered gambling" has been much discussed before and after
the publication of DSM-V. In her PhD thesis, Sari Castrén explains the changes
in the diagnostic criteria (p. 19) as follows: for example disordered gambling is
no longer associated with illegal acts, and four or more points are needed to make
the diagnosis, which has three levels of severity. The 12 past months are crucial in
order to evaluate if a person suffers from disordered gambling.

Will the new concept replace the old ones (problem gambling, probable
pathological gambling, gambling addiction)? Surely, but it will take time,
because of the new criteria. The new concept should be included in gambling
surveys and wisely translated into other languages. People must be educated to
understand that a problematic gambling behavior may lead to a disorder diagnosis.

Disordered gambling as a diagnosis emphasizes the medicalization of gambling.
Problematic gambling behavior can be treated with counseling, therapy and
someday with medication. It is obvious that in modern Western societies
gambling is no longer a simple pastime or a way to create wealth. The
downside of gambling is well recognized. If problematic gambling is a disorder
that can be treated, is it at the same time a social problem? Perhaps we
should think about criteria that would separate a social phenomenon from
a social issue. I am sure that Sari Castrén's PhD thesis will give us
some ideas on how to address the topic of (social) gambling.

I am very proud of my colleague and I wish her all the best!

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